A confidentiality checklist in software development is a tool or document used to assess and ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information during the development of software applications. It helps software development teams identify potential vulnerabilities and implement necessary safeguards to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or leakage of confidential data.

Here are some common checklists you may find on PowerGate Australia confidentiality regulations for software development:

Device Security
    • USB disabled via password-protected BIOS/UEFI settings
    • Enable Full Drive Encryption (FDE)
    • Regularly Update The Operating System Updates
    • Install Firewall and Antivirus Software
    • Other Physical Security Measures: Request all employees to use company laptops & establish the standard company policy in using & keeping their laptops physically secure, such as locking them in a secure location when not in use, and don’t bring the company laptop out of the office.
Data Backup

Regularly backing up important data stored on the laptop to prevent data loss in the event of hardware failure, theft, or other incidents. 

Privacy Protection

Do not copy or store PowerGate data on external devices or unauthorized external locations.